Yamaki is out to get rid of all Digimon. He beleives they will destroy the Earth, so he creates this orginization called Hypnos. He also creates a system called the Juggernaut to destroy all the "wild ones.' Wild ones are wild Digimon that sneak into the real world.
Yamaki is very secretive and stubborn. He'll do anything to get rid of all the Digimon. He has no respect for Digimon what so ever. His intentions are good, but his doing so is very cruel. But later becomes good.
Description: The Devas are a new line of evil villans Yamaki has released with his experiments on accedient. All creatures of Devas are apart of the Chinese Zodiac. The Zodiac animals are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Boar. They try to capture Calumon which he is the key to save the Digital World but the Tamers didn't know that and the Devas thought humans were bad so thats why the Tamers killed them.
The Deva Digimon are as followed...
![](C:\My Documents\deva1.jpg)
Type: Tiger Digimon
Attack: Samuri Tiger Tail
2nd Attack: Armor Tiger Tail
Level: Ultimate
Who he fought: Kyubimon, Gargomon, Growlmon, WarGrowlmon
Defeated by: WarGrowlmon
Debut: Ep. 15 "Grow Mon Grow"
Description: Mihiramon was a very fast Digimon that circled around, like a shark, when he attacked. Renamon said he was so stronge he was a Ultimate, maybe even a Mega type Digimon. He turned his tail into pure steel, and use his attack, Samuri Tiger Tail. When Growlmon Matrix Digivolved, he knew he needed to be stroner so he used Armor Tiger Tail. WarGrowlmon used Atomic Blaster which was too powerful for this kitty and defeated him.
![](C:\My Documents\deva 2.bmp)
Type: Snake Digimon
Attack: Venom Axe
2nd Attack: n/a
Level: Ultimate
Who he fought: Kyubimon, Gargomon, Growlmon
Defeated by: Kyubimon, Gargomon, Growlmon
Debut: Ep. 16 "The Saga of the Devas" (Part 1)
Description: Sandiramon appeared in a subway. It metled on of the trains. It's attack was Venom Axe! With the help from Takato, Growlmon defeated him with Kazu's card.
![](C:\My Documents\deva3.gif)
Type: Rooster Digimon
Attack: Positron Pull
2nd Attack: n/a
Level: Ultimate
Who he fought: Gargomon and Growlmon
Defeated by: Gargomon and Growlmon
Debut: Ep. 17 "The Saga of the Devas" (Part 2)
Description: This rooster ate up electricity to gain strengh and became larger. It had controll of all birds in the area at that time. Gargomon and Growlmon came up with a plan to defeat him by knocking him in the water, and it worked!
![](C:\My Documents\deva4.gif)
Type: Sheep Digimon
Attack: Thunder Stomp
2nd Attack: n/a
Level: Ultimate
Who he fought: Terriermon/Gargomon/Rapidmon
Defeated by: Rapidmon
Debut: Ep. 18 "The Saga of the Devas" (Part 3)
Description: This grumpy goat was not easy to beat! Rapidmon had to use his strongest attack, Tri-Beam to defeat him!
![](C:\My Documents\deva5.gif)
Type: Ox Digimon
Attack: Deva Blade
2nd Attack: Mega Blade
3rd Attack: Tera Blade
Level: Ultimate
Who he fought: Rapidmon/Renamon/Kyubimon/Growlmon/Taomon
Defeated by: Taomon
Debut: Ep. 18 "The Saga of the Devas" (Part 3)
Description: Rapidmon almost killed him. But he came back! Renamon had some queastions to ask him... He wanted her to join the Deva's to take over the world. Renamon's friendship with Rika stoped her from doing so. Taomon, Renamon's Ultimate, Took care of him!
![](C:\My Documents\deva6.gif)
Type: Horse Digimon
Attack: Horn of Teselation
2nd Attack: n/a
Level: Ultimate
Who he fought: Impmon, Renamon, Guilmon, Growlmon, Kyubimon, Terriermon, Gargomon, WarGrowlmon
Defeated by: WarGrowlmon
Debut: Ep. 19 "Impmon's Last Stand"
Description: This was a very tough Digimon to beat. Takato had to use a blue card made by Kenta. Kenta and Takato's friendship helped Growlmon Digivolve, and WarGrowlmon defeated Inderamon.
![](C:\My Documents\deva7.gif)
Type: Rat Digimon
Attack: Deva Clone
2nd Attack: n/a
Level: Ultimate
Who he fought: Leomon, Gargomon
Defeated by: Gargomon
Debut: Ep. 21 "Jeri's Queast"
Description: This annoying little rat wasn't as powerful as the others, but he did pack a punch! Leomon defended Jeri by destroying him with the help of Gargomon.
![](C:\My Documents\deva8.gif)
Type: Boar Digimon
Attack: Boar Fog
2nd Attack: none.
Level: Ultimate
Who he fought: WarGrowlmon, Rapidmon, Taomon, Growlmon, Gargomon, Kyubimon
Defeated by: WarGrowlmon with the help of Takato's strengh!
Debut: Ep. 22 "The Boar Wars"
Description: He was HUGE! This monster destroied the city on his rampage. He was also pretty tough. He had a deta stream tailing behind him, wonder what that was all about?
![](C:\My Documents\deva9.gif)
Type: Monkey Digimon
Attack: Treasure Ball
2nd Attack: ???
Level: Ultimate
Who he fought: Antylamon, Beelzemon
Defeated by: Beelzemon
Debut: ? Ep. 19 "Impmon's Last Stand" ?
Description: Makuramon captured Calumon because 'he doesn't belong here.' The Tamers must go on a journey to the Digital World to find poor Calumon! Beelzemon kills him for data to gain the upper hand in defeating Megidramon!
![](C:\My Documents\deva12.jpg)
Type: Dragon Digimon
Attack: Flaming Arrow Heads
2nd Attack: n/a
Level: Ultimate
Who he fought: Cyberdramon, Gargomon, and Growlmon
Defeated by: Cyberdramon
Debut: Ep. 23 "A World Apart"
Description: This Digimon was just mainly Makuramon's airplane. He didn't do anything. (Just flew Makuramon places) I think there could have been alot more to this Deva than just an airplane! =)
![](C:\My Documents\deva13.jpg)
Type: Dog Digimon
Attack: Howl of the Heavens
2nd Attack: n/a
Level: Ultimate
Who he fought: Taomon, Gallantmon
Defeated by: Gallantmon
Debut: Ep. 27 "Motorcycle Madness"
Description: He confronted Impmon about his Digivolving problem and made the deal so Impmon could Digivolve for the soverign! Gallantmon defeats him during his battle with Beelzemon!
![](C:\My Documents\antylamon.jpg)
Type: Hare Digimon
Attack: ???
2nd Attack: ???
Level: Ultimate
Who he fought: ???
Defeated by: ???
Debut: Ep. ?32or33? "Rabit Transmit"
Description: DeDigivolves to become Lopmon, Susie's partner.
Thanks to The DigiPort
The D-Reaper has 10 agents called ADRs. The D-Reaper covered must of the world. It kidnapped Jeri and was destroyed thakfully.